Section: New Results

Wireless networking in VANETs

Participants : Marco Fiore, Sandesh Uppoor.

VANETS (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) represents a challenging context for designing new protocols as it offers new challenges related to the high dynamicity of the network. In cooperation with external researchers, we derived recent results on mobility modeling and data dissemination in VANETS. This work is a part of the work on 'Autonomous wireless networking', but dedicated specially for VANETs.

Simulation is the tool of choice for the large-scale performance evaluation of upcoming telecommunication networking paradigms that involve users aboard vehicles, such as next-generation cellular networks for vehicular access, pure vehicular ad hoc networks, and opportunistic disruption-tolerant networks. The single most distinguishing feature of vehicular networks simulation lies in the mobility of users, which is the result of the interaction of complex macroscopic and microscopic dynamics. Notwithstanding the improvements that vehicular mobility modeling has undergone during the past few years, no car traffic trace is available today that captures both macroscopic and microscopic behaviors of drivers over a large urban region, and does so with the level of detail required for networking research. In [66] , we present a realistic synthetic dataset of the car traffic over a typical 24 hours in a 400-km 2 region around the city of Koln, in Germany. We outline how our mobility description improves today's existing traces and show the potential impact that a comprehensive representation of vehicular mobility can have one the evaluation of networking technologies.

In [21] , [30] , we investigate data dissemination in vehicular networks. Content downloading in vehicular networks is a topic of increasing interest: services based upon it are expected to be hugely popular and investments are planned for wireless roadside infrastructure to support it. We focus on a content downloading system leveraging both infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. With the goal to maximize the system throughput, we formulate a max-flow problem that accounts for several practical aspects, including channel contention and the data transfer paradigm. Through our study, we identify the factors that have the largest impact on the performance and derive guidelines for the design of the vehicular network and of the roadside infrastructure supporting it.

In [45] We address cooperative caching in wireless networks, where the nodes may be mobile and exchange information in a peer-to-peer fashion. We consider both cases of nodes with large- and small-sized caches. For large-sized caches, we devise a strategy where nodes, independent of each other, decide whether to cache some content and for how long. In the case of small-sized caches, we aim to design a content replacement strategy that allows nodes to successfully store newly received information while maintaining the good performance of the content distribution system. Under both conditions, each node takes decisions according to its perception of what nearby users may store in their caches and with the aim of differentiating its own cache content from the other nodes'. The result is the creation of content diversity within the nodes neighborhood so that a requesting user likely finds the desired information nearby. We simulate our caching algorithms in different ad hoc network scenarios and compare them with other caching schemes, showing that our solution succeeds in creating the desired content diversity, thus leading to a resource-efficient information access.

Performance and reliability of content access in mobile networks is conditioned by the number and location of content replicas deployed at the network nodes. In [27] , we design a practical, distributed solution to content replication that is suitable for dynamic environments and achieves load balancing. Simulation results show that our mechanism, which uses local measurements only, approximates well an optimal solution while being robust against network and demand dynamics. Also, our scheme outperforms alternative approaches in terms of both content access delay and access congestion.